共和黨 瑞森紹爾(Guy Reschenthaler) 收到中國駐美參贊-參事 LI XUANG 李香的恐嚇信


這是繼日前多位美國議員在與總統蔡英文於美東時間4月5日在加州雷根總統圖書館(Ronald ReaganPresidential Library)會晤前一天,收到來自中國駐美大使館「警告信」,敦促議員取消會面後,中國大使館又一次透過信函要求美國會議員不要與台灣接觸。

身兼美國聯邦眾議院共和黨首席副黨鞭的瑞森紹爾(Guy Reschenthaler),今天公布這封同樣署名是中國駐美大使館負責國會事務的參贊「李香」(LiXiang,音譯)的信函。





瑞森紹爾是與眾院外交委員會主席麥考爾(MichaelMcCaul)帶領的訪團於6日抵達台灣訪問,預計將於8日晉見蔡總統。訪問團成員還包括聯邦眾議院外交委員會印太小組主席、共和黨議員金映玉(YoungKim)、該小組民主黨首席議員貝拉(Ami Bera)、共和黨籍聯邦眾議員希爾(French Hill)、民主黨議員狄恩(Madeleine Dean)、共和黨議員勞勒(Michael Lawler)及莫蘭(Nathaniel Moran)等人。

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler   TWITTER


The Chinese Embassy sent my office a threatening message ahead of my visit to Taiwan this week. My response is this: I am not intimidated by these threats and refuse to kowtow to the Chinese Communist Party.

瑞森紹爾公布中方信件內容。(擷自瑞森紹爾推特) ↑

Hi. I am Counselor Li with the Chinese Embassy in the US. I am reaching out to express our grave concern regarding a CODEL including Congressman Guy Reschenthaler planing to visit Taiwan on April 6. If so, it will seriously violate the one-China principle, the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communique, severely interfere with China's domestic affairs, and send a wrong signal to the separatist forces in Taiwan. I am writing to express the Chinese side's deep concern and firm opposition to this possible move.

The Taiwan question is at the very core of China's core interests, the bedrock of the political foundation of China-U.S. relations, and the first red line that must not be crossed in China-U.S. relations. From Day One since China and the US established diplomatic relations, the United States has been committed to not developing official relations with Taiwan. Congress as part of the US Government and lawmakers as elected officials, are inherently obliged to strictly observe the one-China policy of the US government and refrain from having any official exchanges with China's Taiwan region. Otherwise, it is serious political provocations, sends out a wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, and seriously undermines the China-U.S. relations and the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

The Chinese side has always committed to the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. However; the tension across the Taiwan Strait is escalating, and the prospect of peace across the Taiwan Strait is seriously threatened. The root cause of the current situation is that the one-China principle has been severely undermined. Tsai Ing-wen's authorities reject the "1992 Consensus" that reflects the one-China principle, advance "Taiwan independence" in a disguised and incremental way, and attempt to seek independence with the support of the U.S. If the US side truly hopes that the Taiwan Strait remains peaceful and stable, the first and foremost thing for the US to do is to oppose and contain "Taiwan independence77 separatist forces.

Former Speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan last year triggered a serious crisis in the China-U.S relationship, and the lessons should be learned. The strategic community in the US and some members of Congress have reflected on this, believing that the US7s provocation to the Chinese side on the Taiwan question and attempts to ditch the one-China policy are not in the US interests. People in 'Taiwan are also deeply concerned about the situation in the Taiwan Strait, and do not want the peace in the Taiwan Strait to be destroyed by the selfish interests of individual politicians.

The Taiwan question concerns China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is close to the hearts of the 1.4 billion Chinese people. China has no room for compromise on this issue. We urge the US side to refrain from organizing CODEL to visit Taiwan, and stop all forms of official interaction with Taiwan. We urge the US side not to support "Taiwan independence77 separatist forces, not to fudge and hollow out the one-China principle, so as to avoid furthering the tension across the Taiwan Strait.

I hope you could kindly pass along the above position to Congressman Guy Reschenthaler. And I look forward to an opportunity to exchange views with you on a wide range of issues of mutual interest.


LI Xiang


Congressional and Sub-National Affairs Section

Embassy of China in the USA

Tel: 202-286-3256

Address: 3505 International Place NW, Washington DC 20008







希望您能將上述立場傳達給國會議員Guy Reschenthaler。我期待著與您就許多相互關心的問題交換意見的機會。


訪台前夕收中使館警告信 美眾議員:挺台護民主



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